
Ok, jag är tillbaka och jag är det på svenska. Idag är det bara 2 veckor och 5 dagar kvar tills jag är hemma i Sverige igen och helt ärligt orkar jag inte skriva på engelska längre. Måste ju komma in i svenskan nu ju :)

Den senaste veckan har varit väldigt bra men lite av en bergochdalbana vad gäller händelser och känslor. Därav min välbehövda paus.. Det är egentligen inget att skriva om här, blir det nåt av allt så kanske ni får reda på det i efterhand. Hade tänkt ge er en snabb update egentligen men så fort jag börjar skriva kommer jag av mig, så ja det är nog lika bra att låta bli.

Vad jag kan berätta är att jag träffade Katie från Malta förra ondagen! Hon var hemma i Österrike på en veckas semester och den här gången lyckades vi planera ihop en heldag tillsammans i Zell am See. Hann dock bara med H&M och ett snabb-besök hos hennes mamma i Saalfelden innan telefonen ringde och jobbet kallade mig tillbaka till Bad Gastein. Så jävla typiskt! Det var i alla fall skönt att träffa henne och få prata med någon utanför den här byn en liten stund, och jag ska verkligen försöka ta mig till Malta i sommar!

Fyndade en del på H&M också men det visar jag senare :) Har även lyckats fucka upp designen på bloggen men det ska komma en ny under dagen. Som sagt, I'm back! Nu ska jag ta tag i dagens arbete (som kommer ta mig ca 30 min) och sedan försöka fixa designen på den här..


Ja jag har en liten paus men jag återkommer om någon dag! Allt är toppen, ingen fara mamma :)

Bye bye Gatz

Almost feels kind of sad, eventhough I've only been there a few times.. Gatz is closed for the season folks! Had a great night yesterday, started with a bottle of wine and pre-party at the house, then we went to Gatz, Silverbullet, Häggis, Silverbullet and Gatz again :) Lots of laughter and amazing people!

Can't believe the season is ending in four weeks!

My first Gatz-encounters..

All is well..

..that ends well. Today went fine, no problems so far :)

Gatz Mountainclub is closing tonight so they are having a final party to empty the bar. Guess who is going :)


Amazingly calm day, how lovely :)

And just because I just wrote that hell is going to break loose don't you think?


You are amazing!!


I started this beautiful day with a walk called Kaiser-Vilhelm Promenade. It is about 10 km long and takes you through the valley, so nice! Antonia and I took this walk  few weeks ago and it is really great. Today I also saw some spring-signs, flower and animals and it all ust felt like a Disney-movie :)


I so feel like having another movienight, like the one we had last Monday:

Cozy like never before! I'm taking a shower, going out for a walk and then going to bed!!

Mountain climbing

As I wrote yesterday I've had some great days (today has been great as well) and I've actually climbed my first mountain top :) It wasn't way to high but still, I did it!

You see the cross?

That is our picnic-area and the start of my expedition..

I made it!!

I'm alive!!

And having the best days ever!! I'll give you an update tomorrow :)

Amazing day :)

Today has been great!! Wohoooo! :)

Snow and sunshine

Wish I could say I'vehad a great night sleep but no.. Haven't had nightmares in a while but tonight was ridiculous. I think they are easier on me when I have them spread out, but having all these dreams in one night is pretty tough.. Dreamt about pretty much everyone of you that reads this one, at least that means I'm thinking about you right?

Anyways, today is going to be a great day :) Positive thinking! We had some snow yesterday and today the sun is shining! Everyone knows what that means; Lunch at Felsentherme, spending hours in the sun :D

Can't wait for lunch :)

Found one

It is not pretty, but here you have a picture from the bad taste-party:

Today went well, really well actually.. We've just finished off the day with a burger and now Antonia and I are going to bed, perhaps fall asleep to a movie? I allways sleep really bad on fridays so I need some extra sleep tonight! Hope you all party-people are having a good one!

Good conversations

Last Thursday me and Antonia spent the evening at my place, drank a ottle of Fizzilini each and talked about mostly everything. It doesn't sound like to much fun but it was, this might have been one of the best conversations I've had in a really long time.. Great evening! We continued to Bellini, then straight on to SilverBullet and finishing of at Häggis as usual :) Can't believe we only have 5 weeks left, and then Antonia is off to Greece..

10 days to go

It will soon be here, my sisters second miracle. Can't wait!! Remember exactly where I was when Edwin came, on the most amazing trip in India. I got the first picture of him just a day or twoafter he as born and I started crying when I saw him. I just wanted to go home then and there and hold him! This time will be evenharder. When Edwin was born I came hom 10 days later, this time it might be a whole month before I get to hold the member!

Thinking about you everyday sis, you are amazing!


Forgot to tell you that Antonia AND Nina spent last night at my place! We watched My sisters keeper, I cried like a baby and then we all fell asleep within 10 minutes :) I love spending time with those two!

Lots of laughter :)


Yesterday during one of my 30 minutes out off bed I managed to burn my finger like never before:

It hurts! Feel sorry for me ok?

Day in bed

Don't know what happened but I slept the entire day yesterday! I woke up rather early at first, came down to the office and fixed some smaller things, went back up to bed and slept til 12, down to the office and did some laundry, then backj up to bed and woke up first at 16:45!! Apperently my body needed a rest  :P

Tuesday evening was spent at Häggis, don't know if I told you that they had a bad taste-theme party? I went as a "Partille Johnny", it doesn't get more bad taste than that!!

I didn't take any pictures but if I find some I'll show you :)


Today has been rather windy but the sun has been shining.
An amazing picnic and yet another awesome day at work :)


Yesterday was so much fun, definetly the best dinner I've had in a long time :) And hey, the dirndl wasn't to bad:

Mm, ribs :)

Hungry guides! Hanne and Micke


Me and a dirndl which is 5 sizes to big!

Me and Willy :)

As I said, great night!

It is really nice weather outside so I sure hope I'll have time to go to the picnic today!
Hope you'll have a good one!

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