Merry X-mas!

Haha I guess I was so excited earlier that I forgot to write in English :P Well, it is after all Christmas so hope you don't mind! The christmas breakfast is over and I have to get to work, just have to tell you about my morning..

I woke up and felt great, not to worried about not spending christmas at home. Yesterday a package arrived from mom and dad that I had saved 'til today. I thought I knew what was in it (things I had asked mom to send) but planned to pretend it was a gift since I wont be getting to many presents this year but how wrong I was. I got this really gorgeus necklace in gold and silver, it will match my dress tonight perfect so THANK YOU MOM AND DAD!!

Then dad called, in the middle of our breakfast, and starting singing "I wish you a merry christmas.." over the phone. Hilarious since he can't take a note :) We spoke for a while and that was when I realized how much I miss being home! I had to hide in the bathroom and cry for a while!! HALLO, I'M 22 YEARS!! Mom, I blame this on you!

Merry Christmas to all of you, hope you'll have a great day!
And I miss you family, hope you all know how important you are to me :)


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