
Can't believe I'm still standing up straight. Think I fell asleep at like 2am and my brother woke me up with a phonecall just before 4.30am.. We actually left Fredriksberg as planned around five and guess who had to drive the first 2,5 hours? Could have gone really bad but at least I kept the wheels on the road the whole time :P

The flight went great, slept almost all the way. When we where standing on the airport in Salzburg and waited for the luggage I really felt great, being here is amazing! This season is going to be great :)

I'm at the office now, only me and one more girl still going strong, reading papers and studying.. Tonight we are all going out, I'll get waisted after one beer I'm pretty sure. But hey, I have reason to celebrate and tomorrow the business begins for real! So, guess I have to get back to my studies..

The one thing that has gone wrong so far?
My bag broke on the flight, everything is still in it though :)

This is where I'll spend the first night, tomorrow I'll get access to my place!


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