Best pubcrawl ever

Antonia is presenting the welcome-drink

Willy and me

First stop and group picture

I wanted to be in it of course

The Casinobar was our first stop, very exclusive :)

Best Niclas and me

Anna and me

Here we drank a "Flügl" which basically is redbull and vodka with a twist

It is absolutely gorgeus there, this hotel used to be one of the most exclusive ones in Europe!

From there we went to Hächslhöisel (??), which is a more local bar :)

Danced on the sofas to typical austrian after ski-songs!

"kommt holt das Lasso raus, wir spielen Cowboy und indianen" something something..

Best people? Could be :)


The gang :)
After a beer we continued to BlockHäusl where we did some shots, ending up at Silverbullet which was our last stop :) Seriously this was the best pubcrawl ever! We all had some tasks to do during the evening without telling anyone, we had a dresscode (therefor the dresses :) ) and Antonia was the perfect host :) Laughed my ass off :) Todad we all feel like we deserve but hey, it was worth it! Tonight is going to be slow, tomorrow they have a pimps and prostitute-theme party at Gatz so I need my rest!
And I'm OUT!

Best day! And, tonight Antonia has planned a special pub crawl for a few of us, going to be great :)
Sun is shining!

I just remembered that I haven't told you that I'm going to Barcelona in June! A whole week with only the best girls, lots of partying, shopping and sun of course! It is going to be awesome, just like the rest of this summer will be :) Yes, I have huge expectations but I don't think you understand how much I'm longing for a swedish summer! Spending time with my family and friends, play every day with my nephew and what ever it is my sister is carrying around, renovate at home and just enjoy everything and everyone! As I said, great!!
Pictures from my last trip to Barcelona, in September 2010
And these are the lovely girls who are coming with me this time:
How much fun are we going to have?!
Spritzer and burgers
Today is finally over, I'm practically sleeping and it is time for the annual transfer-burger :)
Brown legs and sun, how I miss it some times..
Bad bad person
Sorry for not keeping you properly updated, I promise to get better! My motivation the last 2 days hasn't been on top I'm afraid, but today the sun is shining, it is rather cold here in Bad Gastein and everything is starting to feel more and more like the alps like you would imagine them :)
I spent Wednesday in the slopes as the pictures shows. It was a great day eventhough the weather wasn't so good, Nina and I sure made the best of it! I've tried to calculate how many kilometres we actually spent skiing but gave up after a while. It at least felt like a lot!
Wednesday evening we had guide-night which we spent in Das Haus (where almost all the guides live) doing a quiz based on us who is working. Found out some freaky stuff about my co-workers for sure :) Some of us ended up going out for a drink afterwards, which of course turned in to some more drinks and dancing all night! Wish I had some pictures to show!! Anyway, great night with great people! Antonia ended up spending the night at my place and felt the need to fight me the entire night :)
Thursday morning I decided to bake, something that is rather difficult when you don't have a kitchen.. Got up at 7.30 and made "chokladbollar" in the office, before the other starts. Don't know what I did but I think they might have been the best chokladbollar I've ever eaten :) Very popluar with the guides (yes I'm collecting +points). They where also very well needed during the day when both me and Antonia were half asleep. Sugar-rush ftw!
In the evening Gatz Mountainclub had a theme-party, White Sensation. I dressed up in a with shirt that barely covered my ass and that was it. Got some pretty scary comments.. My camera has been working against me as well so there are no pictures, which actually might be a good thing if you ask me :) Came home around 4.30 in the morning so yes, I'm still tired and probably will be for a few days :P
Yesterday was a rather nice, calm day at the office, spent the day preparing for todays transfer. And today wont be more exciting then that, as soon as I get out of here I'll go to bed and that is a promise!
Sorry for updating you like this with only text and no pictures but I'll get better at using the camera as well :)
Snow snow snow
Going for the slopes!
Have a great day!

The notorious outfit is on :)
Poor me :(

Ring for two fingers, 129 SEK.

I simply LOVE this one, like an oldschool tattoo. 149 SEK.

Necklace that you can engrave with 6 letters on each side, 199 SEK.
Lovely stuff right? What would you engrave? I think I would write "Familj" and "Vänner" on opposite sides and leave the other two blank. You can find all this and other beautiful stuff HERE. JFR was created in 2009 and I'm definitely placing my order as soon as I have cash :)
(Unless mom would like to sponsor me with something beautiful?)
Good morning!
(Btw, yesterday was spent in bed with my best company Pringles and Russell Crowe, perfect evening!)

My future husband?
Felsentherme! Please!!
Keep your fingers crossed, I really want to succeed with this persuasion!


The ones I have now?

Got this one in January 2009, "I shall find a way or create my own"

Put a framed around it, inspired from Taj Mahal in India, fall 2009

The most beautiful one I have - "I keep my family closest to my heart"
Wooho, lets go get new ones!!
Sunday = Pubcrawl
P3 Dokumentär

Isn't she lovely? Thanks for brighten up my days!
So off course we went out after work yesterday to celebrate another succesfull transferday. Started with dinner at Silverbullet (they have the best burgers and the salad is oh so fine!) and continued to Hæggis, where I stayed until I went home at like three or something. That was when I noticed that everyone else already left :)
André and Micke, our brats :) Probably the sweetest guys!
Anna, Melanie, Matilda, Willy, Hanne and Gustaf
Me and Atle
And last but not least, the lovely Anna and Nina
It sure was a great night!
So anyway, I'll update you tons of times today, that is a promise :D

The sun is going to shine today, wooho!
Btw, have I shown you this?

It looked so cool and lasted the intire day!
Gonna try and get some rest now, before task 2 starts :)
Worried mum?
But just so you know, I'm alive and well, I think tomorrow will be another succesfull transferday! I've also been sober since I don't really know when, last Thursday maybe? So next week will be a week filled with partying and alcohol :D Pub-crawl Antonia edition on Sunday, white-party on Gatz on Thursday and everything in between!
That will be all for today, I'm too tired to focus! Tonight will be spent in front of my TV..
And my day off? It's been spent mostly in bed. I needed it..
The night was great though, we danced all the time! And, since I was sober I must have burnt thousands of calories :) Woho, pluspoints for me :) Häggis had an Ibiza-theme for the evening so I was dancing around in an open shirt and my bikini and I was still sweeting like hell! I'll show you the pictures from the evening, a lot of skin was shown I promise:

Pre-party at the house

Nina left the bathingsuit at home :)

Lise, the norwegian birthdaychild :) She actually finished her 21 shots, if that's not something to be proud of then I don't know whats worth bragging about :D

The laughter of the night! Contribution of Anna C

Lise :)

Melanie was on the go


Hanne and me :)

Matilda, Melanie and some random guy I think..

Nice huh? :)
I'm gonna try and figure out something to do on my day off.. Have a good one :)
Being siblings means
sharing a lot of things
throughout life...
Being siblings means
knowing certain things
about each other
and feeling special feelings
for one another.
It is a relationship
we have seen change with time,
and yet, in many ways,
it remains the same.
I know there have been times
when being siblings wasn't easy,
because our differences
pulled us in new directions.
But we always knew
that we cared about one another.
That's the beautiful part
of being siblings.
Even though life is full of changes,
we will always have each other,
and we will always share
a special bond of love.

Miss both of you!

So, on your way to Böckstein you can visit Dr Button, great right!?
Now I'll hit the shower and then bed I think, or Silverbullet perhaps?
Sometimes I don't understand where my anger comes from, I guess I build it up inside and some persons just know how to trigger it.. I realized something today, and right now I would just like to scream. Scream like I've been screamed at, use words no one deserves to hear. Make this person feel like I've felt, and perhaps then we "would be even". That's what it takes right?
Don't ask me why I even care, that is a question I would like to be able to answer.. Right now I don't think I can.
I'm taking a walk, clearing my head and I'm going to forget all about it. Some people just isn't worth it.
Thanks to my wonderfull friends, I love how you understand me!
Good evening
Now I'm at the office with tons of lists to do so better get to it, really just wanted to show you this song that makes my heart beat a little bit extra! Sure you've already heard it, but listen again and again and just let it take over every emotion in your system!
Fitness makes perfect, or?
Okay, I've been there today, now I just have to stick with it and I'll see results again I'm sure!
Positive thinking :)

Soft day :)
Sundays and Mondays will be rather slow days for me this season,
it's good I have friends to lighten up these days:
I apologize for the movie being so shaky but I was laughing my ass off!
Missed out..
Anyway, I'm going to share it with you now, because I miss that feeling sometimes:
Först trodde jag det var en engångsgrej, sånt som kan hända sådär lite oplanerat. Ärligt talat så hade jag tillochmed lite ångest dagen efter, hade lovat mig själv att hålla mig borta från jobbflörtar och hur bra gick det? Sa hej då och vi syns på jobbet imorgon när jag gick därifrån, lagomt sliten och i gårdagens kläder. Tanterna kollade konstigt på mina trasiga svarta nylonstrumpor och Josefines korta kjol. Tur att jag hade conversen på mig i alla fall, kunde låtsas som att det var en planerad outfit.
Dagen efter kom han till jobbet, och två minuter senare plingade det på min Spark. Kommer ihåg att jag blev glad, skönt att det inte skulle bli någon konstig stämning. Det var en fredag. Snackade en hel del fram och tillbaka, en smilegubbe här och en flörtgubbe där, och sen var det bestämt att han skulle med oss ut på kvällen. Vi hade inte varit på krogen länge när jag fick kvällens första kyss, och sen höll vi ihop resten av natten, morgonen och halva dagen efter.
När jag visste att det inte var en engångsgrej? På lördagen påväg från Josh till jobbet, efter pannkakas-brunchen. Jag, han, Josefine, Felicia och Markus tog följe. Så helt plötsligt, utan att jag behövde be om det eller hinta att jag ville, tog han min hand. HAN tog MIN hand. Är det så det ska vara? Han släppte inte förrän han verkligen var tvungen, inte ens när vi båda fick handsvett av värmen när vi nästan var framme.
Även om jag inte erkänt det förrän nu, var det då jag visste. Och jag är lycklig!
Cheesy huh? But still sweet.. I miss that sweet feeling..

The first one is really sweet with an all open back and marine-strips. Think it will look great on warm summer nights. The second one is really just an ordinary, everyday off-white dress. The pink is a bit more "dressed-up", but I think I'll wear it with sandals and my jeansjacket to make it more everyday-usable. And the last is actually a shirt but I ordered a really big size so that I can wear it as a dress and with shorts if I like.
I'm afraid I can't make the pictures bigger, don't really know why. Anyway, they where all on sale, got them for less then 400 SEK which is a good price right? And I can never get too many dresses, that's for sure!
Just ask my mom :)

This beauty is also moving in with me, hot as hell and it is going to look absolutly great with tanned legs and high heals! Oh I want to have summer!! But no, more skiing first :)

Pretty cool right?
I'm passing time on Facebook, Lookbook and going through pictures from the Elle-gala yesterday. Everyone looked so much better than last year and you can see all the outfits HERE. I'll continue on my Internet-hunt and update you as soon as I'm bored out of my sences again :)
Early mornings
Hope you all will have a great day!

This is where I'll spend mine :P

Negro-Niclas and me

Nina, Jennie, Lina and me, ready to go all in :)

Jenny, Nina and Lina



Last picture taken at 4.30.
I ended up wearing tights, a bra and my jacket, lots of bling and makeup :) Came home around 5.30 and woke up at 9.30 when Nina rang asking why I wasn't in the office.. Puh, no boss in sight so eventhough I came 30 minutes late no punishment has been given! I had such a great time yesterday, eventhough I can't really remember all of it.. The thing is, I haven't been that drunk since my birthday 6 months ago! I don't even know how I got that drunk! Started drinking water at like 2 or something and I was probably still drunk when I woke up. Met this really nice australian guy, we talked for hours! I'm blaiming him for my lack of sleep, to bad I didn't take him home :D
No honestly, I have to shower now, and get ready for transfer-day. Will I survive this one as well?
Studio 54
We'll see where this ends but don't worry mom, I'm not planning to be THAT naked :)


In the lift on our way up

It was to say the least a bit cloudy on 2650 meters above sea-level when we first started

The sun tried to brake through

Nina on her one and only "kramp"-brake for the day, making progress :)

Me in my kick-ass outfit :) (Got recognized on the Afterski because of my pants!)

Second time on the top and the weather was great! Not to warm, not to cold!

Nice huh?

In the lift, going to the top for the third and last time

Skiing! Could propably live on them, just need some more practice first :)

Longest lift ever.. But it was worth it!

Took some pictures through my googles, this is how world looks from inside them..

Sometimes it just hits me, I live in the alps you guys!

Can't wait 'til my next day off!
Great evening
At like twleve or something Nina and I are going out in the slopes, wish us both good luck :)
Bellevue Alm
Tonight some of us at STS are going to Bellevue Alm for dinner and drinks :) Can't wait, I'm so hungry! Haven't had time to eat yet, I've dealt with my first real complaints today. Sure it is fun but at the same time so nerv-wracking. Watch what you say and how you react, everything might matter in the end..
We'll see how this one goes, if this is my calling or not :)
Anyways, Bellevue Alm. It is one of the oldest skilodges in the area and is situated on 1300meters above sealevel. We have to take a one-seated lift to get there and the view is said to be amazing. They are also supposed to have the best fondue in the area so I'm crossing my fingers! And after tonight I'll know for sure :) Promised Nina to go out for a drink or two afterwards, tomorrow is after all my day off! Woho, skiing in Sportgastein is planned!
Have to get going now if I want to make it in to to the shower before dinner!
(and it is starting to feel like a neccessary thing to do :P)

One day left

Eventhough I doubt it is going to happen I would LOVE to get some weather like this tomorrow!
Day at the office
I've had a rather good day after all, got time to sleep 30 minutes after lunch which might have been the best thing to do ever :) I know this wasn't a problem on Malta mom, but I didn't have to focus as hard at work there as I do here! I haven't been hung over but damn I've been tired today.. So was Nina by the way, she borrowed my bed to sleep a while to:
It's a good thing she is small :D
Antonia and I also fixed an inspiration-wall, with pictures of good things to dream about while we are stuck in this office.. It is still under construction but I'll show you my own personal wall for now:
A hot guy (remember this?), mom and dad and of course my favorite sweets :)
This evening will be spent in bed, hope you've had a good day!
Someone shoot me..
Please. Shoot me. I'm so tired! Why, why, why do a person decide to go out and stay out until 4 when the same person have to be at work at nine the following morning?!
I have to try and take a break a few hours today so I can get some SLEEP!
Okay I'm here
Amazing what one day of the week can do to you.. The reason for all my stress and panic? Transfer day, as it probably will be for the rest of this season! This amazingly stressful day will be the death of me :P It went well yesterday though, some mistakes but no bigger ones that caused problems..
So, to celebrate that yet another transfer day has passed (wonder how many I have left now :P ) we are going out tonight. STS have a pub crawl so there will be a lot of STS people out tonight :) Good for me, I need a night out!
I'll give you some pics from my day off and then I'll go to take a shower and get ready for tonight :D
A day in the sun
No, time to go!
The day off was great, yesterday was good and today has been a smaller hell..
Tell you all about it when I'm feeling better!

Wish I could go back to this! Picnic in the sun this Thursday :)
Pizza and a movie
Just came back from Pub Eden, kept Nina company when she ate pizza for dinner (2nd dinner today btw :D ) and ate her leftovers. I happen to be very, very low on cash so no pizza for me, which might be good in more then one aspect when I think about it..
Very tiny person taking up A LOT of space while eating
I'm still dead tired so this evening is being spent in bed with a movie, tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I have the day off so it will be filled with skiing, then my eyes are going to rest on Erik Segerstedt during the after ski and I'm actually planning to visit the gym as well. So as I said, busy day ;)
This sneeky person is off to bed! Tomorrow I'll remember to bring the kamera!
Pictures from SZG
Oh yesterday was so much fun! Katie came here to Bad Gastein just to see me for a while :) It so weird, we haven't seen eachother in 2 months and it was like we've never been apart! Hopefully I'll go to Malta this summer for a week or two, but how will I survive until then without her? I realized yesterday how much I miss her and all the others from that rock.. Soon, soon we'll meet again :) Katie and Lian left around twelve but I didn't come home until 4.30 this morning and ahd a great night out with Nina, but guess who's tired like hell at the moment?! Tonight is going to be a slow night!
Anyways, I've not been to good on updating you at times when I've said that I will, so here are some pictures from mine and Ninas day in Salzburg:
As I told you we started the day with some skiing (Nina fell 3 times, hihi..) eventhough the weather looked really bad. However, here in Bad Gastein what you see isn't always what you get. When we where at the top-station the sun was shining and the view was amazing! Clouds all over the valley and there we where above it all :) Off course I didn't have my camera with me in the slopes but I'm just trying to justify the weather on the pictures to come:
Nina waiting for the train
Me on the streets of Salzburg
A rather grey Salzburg and Höhe Salzburg in the background
We found the swedish candystore (almost just like the ones in Malta!)
This street gave me real christmas-feelings, just a few days to late but..
New sweather from H&M (which I am wearing today btw)
Black transparent blouse from Zara
I also bought a really cozy sweather at the MAMA-department at H&M, a belt and a white tunic. I have to say a pretty good shopping day :) I bought everything on sale, and clothes I'll be able to wear for ages.
Economical of me right?
That is why I'm going to take some time to recap 2010, and tell you all about the year that has passed:
I started 2010 with the biggest change in my life so far; I moved away from Sweden, my friends and family to start fresh in a completely different country. I needed this change, more than I wanted to realize at first. It ment breaking up with a past that I was trying to hold on to, breaking up with people I still miss sometime. It was hard at first to say the least, but as time passed it all went a lot easier, some thoughts didn't occur as often and after a while hardly at all. I spent 9 months and 1 day of 2010 on that lovely little island, and I don't regret a minute of it. Thanks to all of you over there who made those 9 months wonderful and for being a part of my life!

During these 9 months I learned a lot and had some great experiences, I loved every minute of it and miss that time a lot! Leaving ended up being almost as hard as leaving Sweden was at first.. If I could stop time I think I would have spent years being 22 on Malta :) Thanks again you guys!
Unfortunetly, 2010 was a year with some losses to. First we had to take away my baby, my bedwarmer, my protector. Kaliber had to be put asleep, and I still forget sometimes that he wont be home when I get back.. As soon as I decide to get settled somewhere, I'm getting a dog. They can be the best company!

The second loss and the worst one I've experienced in a long time, my grandmother passed this year. I'm so glad that I was home and had time to spend with her before it was all to late, but still it is hard that she is no longer with us. She was a great person, a lovely grandmother and someone I will miss for the rest of my life. Grandparents is a kind of security and now I've lost another one. At difficult times I will think about the time we spent at her and granddads house when we where small, how me and Sara would dress out in her clothes or help her in the kitchen when she was baking. We always played cards together, and she learned me how to nit eventhough I have forgotten about it now.

She stands for a lot of memories in my life and will forever be a big part of it.
I also got my second tattoo last year, which stands for something so obvious that it is ridicioulus and reminds me of how lucky I've been and how close we all are:

My family is closest to my heart..
In 2010 I also started this new adventure where I'm at now; taking a job for STS, moving away from friends and family to start all over once again. When I first came here I wasn't sure it was for me, I actually thought about moving back home at times but you who know me know I'm not one to quit way to easily. This is a challenge and now I'm loving every day of it! I'm constantly learning things about myself, new things at work and I'm still making new friends all the time.

This will be where I spend the first part of 2011, and perhaps Austria will have a big part in deciding what is happening next?
Off course there has been people I've misesd during this year I've spent more away then home, and hopefully I will see all of them a lot more during 2011, no matter where in the world I'll decide to go next:

You might have wished for juicy love-life details about the year that has passed, drama and gossip but to be hones, there hasn't been much of a love-life to talk about in 2010. There hasn't been much drama compared to 2009 and it's not like I'm going to gossip about myself right?
No, perhaps 2011 will be the year to talk about who knows.. Time will tell as I usually say, time will tell..
Working today but I feel like a load of shit to be honest, I'm going to run out off this office as soon as I can.
When I'm up and running again I'll let you know for sure :)