I'm surfing around on the internet, just found a website I never seen before on one of the blogs I read. Curious as I am I have to visit this website, which turned out to be a big mistake.. Cravings, cravings, cravings! I love jewelry, eventhough I'm rather modest with wearing them. My personal task for this summer is to accessorize more, and how lovely wouldn't these items be on a warm summer evening to a simple outfit?

Ring for two fingers, 129 SEK.

I simply LOVE this one, like an oldschool tattoo. 149 SEK.

Necklace that you can engrave with 6 letters on each side, 199 SEK.
Lovely stuff right? What would you engrave? I think I would write "Familj" and "Vänner" on opposite sides and leave the other two blank. You can find all this and other beautiful stuff HERE. JFR was created in 2009 and I'm definitely placing my order as soon as I have cash :)
(Unless mom would like to sponsor me with something beautiful?)

Ring for two fingers, 129 SEK.

I simply LOVE this one, like an oldschool tattoo. 149 SEK.

Necklace that you can engrave with 6 letters on each side, 199 SEK.
Lovely stuff right? What would you engrave? I think I would write "Familj" and "Vänner" on opposite sides and leave the other two blank. You can find all this and other beautiful stuff HERE. JFR was created in 2009 and I'm definitely placing my order as soon as I have cash :)
(Unless mom would like to sponsor me with something beautiful?)