Okay, I'm alive again. I sound like someone who has spent most of their live smoking, and my nose is filled with you don't want to know what, but at least I'm functioning again :) I'm at work but today is a rather slow day for me, I'm subosed to deal with guest who are unhappy with their rooms and such, but no phonecalls yet so I guess they are happy.
That is why I'm going to take some time to recap 2010, and tell you all about the year that has passed:
I started 2010 with the biggest change in my life so far; I moved away from Sweden, my friends and family to start fresh in a completely different country. I needed this change, more than I wanted to realize at first. It ment breaking up with a past that I was trying to hold on to, breaking up with people I still miss sometime. It was hard at first to say the least, but as time passed it all went a lot easier, some thoughts didn't occur as often and after a while hardly at all. I spent 9 months and 1 day of 2010 on that lovely little island, and I don't regret a minute of it. Thanks to all of you over there who made those 9 months wonderful and for being a part of my life!

During these 9 months I learned a lot and had some great experiences, I loved every minute of it and miss that time a lot! Leaving ended up being almost as hard as leaving Sweden was at first.. If I could stop time I think I would have spent years being 22 on Malta :) Thanks again you guys!
Unfortunetly, 2010 was a year with some losses to. First we had to take away my baby, my bedwarmer, my protector. Kaliber had to be put asleep, and I still forget sometimes that he wont be home when I get back.. As soon as I decide to get settled somewhere, I'm getting a dog. They can be the best company!

The second loss and the worst one I've experienced in a long time, my grandmother passed this year. I'm so glad that I was home and had time to spend with her before it was all to late, but still it is hard that she is no longer with us. She was a great person, a lovely grandmother and someone I will miss for the rest of my life. Grandparents is a kind of security and now I've lost another one. At difficult times I will think about the time we spent at her and granddads house when we where small, how me and Sara would dress out in her clothes or help her in the kitchen when she was baking. We always played cards together, and she learned me how to nit eventhough I have forgotten about it now.

She stands for a lot of memories in my life and will forever be a big part of it.
I also got my second tattoo last year, which stands for something so obvious that it is ridicioulus and reminds me of how lucky I've been and how close we all are:

My family is closest to my heart..
In 2010 I also started this new adventure where I'm at now; taking a job for STS, moving away from friends and family to start all over once again. When I first came here I wasn't sure it was for me, I actually thought about moving back home at times but you who know me know I'm not one to quit way to easily. This is a challenge and now I'm loving every day of it! I'm constantly learning things about myself, new things at work and I'm still making new friends all the time.

This will be where I spend the first part of 2011, and perhaps Austria will have a big part in deciding what is happening next?
Off course there has been people I've misesd during this year I've spent more away then home, and hopefully I will see all of them a lot more during 2011, no matter where in the world I'll decide to go next:

You might have wished for juicy love-life details about the year that has passed, drama and gossip but to be hones, there hasn't been much of a love-life to talk about in 2010. There hasn't been much drama compared to 2009 and it's not like I'm going to gossip about myself right?
No, perhaps 2011 will be the year to talk about who knows.. Time will tell as I usually say, time will tell..
That is why I'm going to take some time to recap 2010, and tell you all about the year that has passed:
I started 2010 with the biggest change in my life so far; I moved away from Sweden, my friends and family to start fresh in a completely different country. I needed this change, more than I wanted to realize at first. It ment breaking up with a past that I was trying to hold on to, breaking up with people I still miss sometime. It was hard at first to say the least, but as time passed it all went a lot easier, some thoughts didn't occur as often and after a while hardly at all. I spent 9 months and 1 day of 2010 on that lovely little island, and I don't regret a minute of it. Thanks to all of you over there who made those 9 months wonderful and for being a part of my life!

During these 9 months I learned a lot and had some great experiences, I loved every minute of it and miss that time a lot! Leaving ended up being almost as hard as leaving Sweden was at first.. If I could stop time I think I would have spent years being 22 on Malta :) Thanks again you guys!
Unfortunetly, 2010 was a year with some losses to. First we had to take away my baby, my bedwarmer, my protector. Kaliber had to be put asleep, and I still forget sometimes that he wont be home when I get back.. As soon as I decide to get settled somewhere, I'm getting a dog. They can be the best company!

The second loss and the worst one I've experienced in a long time, my grandmother passed this year. I'm so glad that I was home and had time to spend with her before it was all to late, but still it is hard that she is no longer with us. She was a great person, a lovely grandmother and someone I will miss for the rest of my life. Grandparents is a kind of security and now I've lost another one. At difficult times I will think about the time we spent at her and granddads house when we where small, how me and Sara would dress out in her clothes or help her in the kitchen when she was baking. We always played cards together, and she learned me how to nit eventhough I have forgotten about it now.

She stands for a lot of memories in my life and will forever be a big part of it.
I also got my second tattoo last year, which stands for something so obvious that it is ridicioulus and reminds me of how lucky I've been and how close we all are:

My family is closest to my heart..
In 2010 I also started this new adventure where I'm at now; taking a job for STS, moving away from friends and family to start all over once again. When I first came here I wasn't sure it was for me, I actually thought about moving back home at times but you who know me know I'm not one to quit way to easily. This is a challenge and now I'm loving every day of it! I'm constantly learning things about myself, new things at work and I'm still making new friends all the time.

This will be where I spend the first part of 2011, and perhaps Austria will have a big part in deciding what is happening next?
Off course there has been people I've misesd during this year I've spent more away then home, and hopefully I will see all of them a lot more during 2011, no matter where in the world I'll decide to go next:

You might have wished for juicy love-life details about the year that has passed, drama and gossip but to be hones, there hasn't been much of a love-life to talk about in 2010. There hasn't been much drama compared to 2009 and it's not like I'm going to gossip about myself right?
No, perhaps 2011 will be the year to talk about who knows.. Time will tell as I usually say, time will tell..
Postat av: Knasen
gillar att jag ser lätt utvecklingsstörd ut på bilden. Thnx cousin! haha
Postat av: Camilla
Du är skitsnygg, ALLTID. Punkt.