54 days
That also means that it is 55 days left until Antonia is moving to Greece for the summer! She got a blog of her own, started it last week and it is already on top 10 in my book! Check it out HERE!!

Bellevue Alm

Scariest 1-man lift you've ever seen?

Mini and Atle


Best foundue I've ever tasted


Hotties :)
Dance class 2nd edition
Week number nine
Meeting at work at eight and then Antonia and I are spending the evening with Wallander at my place!
(Have I tld you that we aren't drinking any alcohol this week? Let's see how well that works out :P)
Jesus Christ..
Poorly updated
Here you go:

Me and the mini-guide

My new skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!

A lift that is actually older then the one in Fredriksberg

Spent 1,5 hours at Jungerstube

Nice place to spend some time in the sun, eventhough it was a bit cold and windy :P

We then met a few "yellow-jackets" at the DJ-battle

It was packed with people eventhough it doesn't show :)

Cabarré at "Das Haus" in the evening


André and Melanie :)
After the cabarré we went out but I went home pretty early, tired after a perfect day off from work :)
Fat ass!

And just because of that thought I'm gonna start this evening with 20 minutes pilates :P
It's snowing!!
Or well, perhaps feeling great is an overstatement. Me, Antonia and Nina went out for dinner yesterday as a birthday present to Nina and somehow I got pretty drunk and it got pretty late and well.. I'm not hungover but I'm just a little bit tired :) Antonia spent the night in my extrabed and we snoozed almost 1,5 hours this morning! I had to take a nap at two and Antonia went home for a two hour brake this morning :) This job isn't too bad after all!
I've also forgotten to tell you that one of the guys from Malta is here with a couple of friends so I'll probably go skiing with them on Wednesday! Haven't tried my new skiis yet and it has been snowing the intire day :) This weeks day off could turn out as great as the others :D
Now it is time for dinner and then me and the girls are spending the evening at my place!

Not as easy
Friday and yesterday really put my skills to the test.. Or, maybe not my skills but my temper and mood and everything just got really fucked up. But, at least now things are getting sorted out, just one problem left to solve.. I honestly have to say that I was looking for plaintickets home yesterday. If I could I would have just packed up my stuff and left this town. I guess days like the ones I've had now is necessar for me to learn what this job really is all about. It sure isn't easy all the time..
But, today is a new day and tomorrow is a new week so I guess I'll stay :)
Picture from a better day..
Happy B-day!!

You make my day

And today I received a delivery and a card from my mom and family at home:

You guys make my day, miss you all <3
PS. The picture of me and Edwin follows me everywhere, I got it from my sister before I left for Malta.
(Finally a guidenight that at least doesn't start with alcohol :D )

It is a bath tub from the Italian company Sicis. Nice right? Fits a person like me :) I'm just wondering how comfortable it is? They have a bunch of cool things on their webiste, look in their catalogue!
53rd Grammy Awards
Couldn't help myself, had to take a look at the celebs that went to yesterdays Grammy Awards. What do you have to do to get a free-pass? I want to walk on the red carbet as well! Here are some of the best outfits:
Bar Refaeli is gorgeus as always!
Jada Pinkett-Smith
Hillary Scott
Selena Gomez
Which one do you like best? Would probably kill someone for Selenas dress..
Salzburg, IKEA, Porsche
We came home at about six, delivered the bad and then Nina and I went for a burger at SilverBullet. The evening ended with me being in the office until 1.30, preparing for today.. Think this will be a long day..
Guess where I've been today

Happy Valentines Day
Go or not to go..
How the hell do you get a bruise looking like this?!
Weird huh?

Great evening filled with games and laughter! And drinks :D
Yellow Jacket
Pubcrawl Pictures

Finally done!
(Eventhough that summerparty at Gatz is starting to get me in the mood for a party..)

And today at the office I'm wearing this:

I just love shirts!

Cut cut..

Made the armpits a lot bigger so now you can see the bra under, looks really níce actually. Soon, soon it is going to have its debute here in Bad Gastein :)
Day off in the sun

Early night

Quick update
Wednesday = Day off = Not to much time for this
Yesterday was a great night out, came home at 5 this morning. Got up at eight, had breakfast, slept til nine, got out in the slopes, came home at four, slept til five, had dinner and now I'm sitting here. Time to get ready for this weeks guide night, pubcrawl with the gang and I am to say the least very, VERY tired :P I'll update you tomorrow with pictures from yesterday and today I promise :)
I haven't been feeling 100% today so I'm keeping warm with a cup of tea and my warmest:
Only have two buttons left now, should perhaps by new ones soon..
It's a beautiful day
And I'm stuck in the office :P But yesterday couldn't have been better:
Wonderfull, I absolutely love that place!!

Beer, cheese, sausages and Jägermeister for the guys

Wine, chocolate and fruits for the couple :)
The second one isn't too impressive but in my defence I wasn't able to shop for this one on my own..

My eyes are still hurting a bit so no make-up and my glasses, tried to take a picture but I honestly look like I haven't slept for a few years :P And you all now what I look like right?
Celebration time
This off course had to be celebrated, so Nina, Antonia and I decided to get everyone together and go out for dinner. Our boss also thought it was a good idea so he decided to come with us, and as a surprise he also decided that we had done such a good job that we didn't have to pay for our dinner! Good thing cause I had already ordered the most expensive on the menu :) All we had to pay for was our drinks, but the restaurant also thought we where great so they said the drinks where on the house. In the end I only paid 4 euros for a chocolate foundue as desert :) Turned out not only to be a great evening but also a cheap one :)

We continued to Eden Bar (where we played a drinking game that ended with me spending 12 euros on drinks for everyone so the cheap night got kind of destroyed there..) and then to SilverBullet for a quick hello before it was time to go home and sleep. Yesterday was an 18 hour long day and I can tell you that I still feel it :P

Thanks guys for a great evening!!
Pictures from a perfect day

P&P, eye infection, work..
Anyways, I'm back in the game and thought I should show you some pictures from the Pimps and Prostitutes-party. I cut off the legs of a pair of jeans I never use, had not only one but three bras (?), a transparent sweater and some heals. Looked kind of skanky if you ask me, which was exactly the point :)


Gustaf and Lise

André should have won Best Outfit for leaving the house like this :)

Me and my pimp :)

Me, Ida and Anna at Hæggis

One of many laughters during the night

Kjetil in his very worst moment I'm afraid..
It was a great night, laughed a lot and went home just in time to wake up rested and in a good mood for my day off :) Wednesday was spent in Sportgastein where the skiing was awesome, the sun was shining and it was just one of the best days so far! I'll show you pictures from it a bit later! Now back to work!
Update you tomorrow
Pimps and Prostitutes

Socks and panties from New Body, comfort before beauty right?

Christmaspresents from my lovely nephew

Got some more stuff in my skincare-series
There where also some clothes in there, an electrical mixer for my Chailatte and swedish candy but that is allready in my stomach :) Well, thanks to this package I didn't have to wash yesterday, instead I spent the evening in bed, watched some good old swedish TV and made a facial:

Hot right?

Got my lovely jeans-shirt in the package as well, todays outfit :)
Now I really should concentrate at work :)