Celebration time
Yesterday ended up being a rather special transfer-day. Cars where parked on one of the streets we normally take, and our busses couldn't pass them. We had to transport all the luggage from point A to point B, keep the guests (who had to walk) in a good mood and all this while trying not to freeze our asses off. Everything went so well I was honestly shocked when all the busses had left for the airport! Everyone helped out, the guests where happy and we had almost no delays!! And this we had to do for 9 of our 15 busses!! Amazing!
This off course had to be celebrated, so Nina, Antonia and I decided to get everyone together and go out for dinner. Our boss also thought it was a good idea so he decided to come with us, and as a surprise he also decided that we had done such a good job that we didn't have to pay for our dinner! Good thing cause I had already ordered the most expensive on the menu :) All we had to pay for was our drinks, but the restaurant also thought we where great so they said the drinks where on the house. In the end I only paid 4 euros for a chocolate foundue as desert :) Turned out not only to be a great evening but also a cheap one :)

We continued to Eden Bar (where we played a drinking game that ended with me spending 12 euros on drinks for everyone so the cheap night got kind of destroyed there..) and then to SilverBullet for a quick hello before it was time to go home and sleep. Yesterday was an 18 hour long day and I can tell you that I still feel it :P

Thanks guys for a great evening!!
This off course had to be celebrated, so Nina, Antonia and I decided to get everyone together and go out for dinner. Our boss also thought it was a good idea so he decided to come with us, and as a surprise he also decided that we had done such a good job that we didn't have to pay for our dinner! Good thing cause I had already ordered the most expensive on the menu :) All we had to pay for was our drinks, but the restaurant also thought we where great so they said the drinks where on the house. In the end I only paid 4 euros for a chocolate foundue as desert :) Turned out not only to be a great evening but also a cheap one :)

We continued to Eden Bar (where we played a drinking game that ended with me spending 12 euros on drinks for everyone so the cheap night got kind of destroyed there..) and then to SilverBullet for a quick hello before it was time to go home and sleep. Yesterday was an 18 hour long day and I can tell you that I still feel it :P

Thanks guys for a great evening!!