Det här var jag
If I were a color I’d be turquoise
If I were a mood I’d be happy
If I were a song I’d be Jerk it out by Ceasers
If I were a day I’d be Friday
If I were an animal I’d be something fast
If I were a movie I’d be Pearl Harbour
If I were a number I’d be 7
If I were a vacation I’d be summer holiday
If I were a season I’d be summer
If I were a car I’d be a Porsche 911GT2
If I were a superhero I’d be Fantomen
If I were a sport I’d be swimming
If I were a piece of clothing I’d be a skirt
If I were food I’d be pancakes with jam and whipped cream
If I were a word I’d be Yes
If I were a slogan I’d be ‘’I shall find a way or create my own’’
If I were a scratch card I’d be Triss
Det här är Camilla Ekehov som signar ut för natten, sova för guds skull!
"If I were a song I’d be Jerk it out by Ceasers"
Galet, denna låten var min ringsignal i hela tre år! :O Det är ödet, vi är ämnade för varandra!