I just wanted to say thanks for the year that has past, it has been a great one! Lots of new friends, experiences and good times. I miss every single one of you that isn't here with me to celebrate this day, but I hope that 2011 will be filled with all of you wonderfull people that has decided to be a part of my life!
2010 was a great year, let us make 2011 an ever better one!
Love to all of you my friends, hope you'll have a great night and to see you all very soon!!

Cheers with your favorite-drink in hand!
You all know mine right?
Best day off so far :)
Okay, I'm dead tired after an amazing day with skiing, some sun, shopping and train-rides. I need sleep!
Update you tomorrow when I'm back at the office..
Yesterdays outfit
Black pants with lether-details, white shirt and a big shawl
Made a new, hot earing from a necklace and a broken earing, braided my hair like a mess
Good looking huh?
Tonight was guide-night, which is one evening every week that is only dedicated to the guides. We all hang out, go to different restaurants every time or just, as I said, hang out. (And yes, even though I'm not a guide I'm aloud to join :) ) Today we took a taxiride of about 10 minutes up in the mountains, then we had to take a snowmobile (sort of) up to the top-gabin.
The cabin was packed with people, the food was great and the mood in there was at full speed! Spareribs, beer, good company and good settings and well, I was ready for a night all out. Most of us went to Silverbullet afterwards and continued until just about now I would say :)
Thanks you guys for a great evening, can't wait 'til next time!'
Me on the snowmobile.thing!
More pics tomorrow :)
Niklas Thorén
I don't really have way to much to write about today, so I thought I would dedicate this to Niklas Thorén. He is a very good friend of mine, one of the best guides we have here in Bad Gastein. Always friendly and nice, good looking, helpful and almost to bright for his own good :)
In need of a good guy? Here is your man:
My evening in pictures
Melanie and a danish bear
André, Björn and Isak
Me, Nina and Antonia
Had to show my skills as well :)
No off to bed, I'm exhausted!
Pub Crowl
My plans for the evening; Stay in, clean my room, watch some Swedish TV, light some candles.
Antonias and Ninas plans for the evening: PARTY!
And what do I do? I get dressed and go out, what else? :)
Lets get it started!
All is well that ends well
Yesterday actually went great, no problems to talk about :) I told you I'm getting the hang of this! Celebrated with a burger and a beer at Silverbullet, went home at eleven and fell asleep like a baby! Eventhough my work isn't pysichally demanding, it sure thanks some effort to keep everything under control..
Just realized that cleaning the office was really uneccessary, after all the guides came back from there transfer yesterday my work was undone apparently.. But, it look good for a while at least.. Think I have forgotten to tell you that Antonia and I refurnished the office last wednesday. Christian wans't to excited, but we where all satisfied when it was done.
My workstation before, facing the wall
The chaos during
And the result! Now me and Antonia can flirt all day :)
Guess I have to start thinking about my worktasks for the day.
So since I don't have way to much to take care of until the buses are at the airport so I'll upload some pictures drom the past week that I haven't shared with you yet, ENJOY:


Merry X-mas!
I woke up and felt great, not to worried about not spending christmas at home. Yesterday a package arrived from mom and dad that I had saved 'til today. I thought I knew what was in it (things I had asked mom to send) but planned to pretend it was a gift since I wont be getting to many presents this year but how wrong I was. I got this really gorgeus necklace in gold and silver, it will match my dress tonight perfect so THANK YOU MOM AND DAD!!
Then dad called, in the middle of our breakfast, and starting singing "I wish you a merry christmas.." over the phone. Hilarious since he can't take a note :) We spoke for a while and that was when I realized how much I miss being home! I had to hide in the bathroom and cry for a while!! HALLO, I'M 22 YEARS!! Mom, I blame this on you!
Merry Christmas to all of you, hope you'll have a great day!
And I miss you family, hope you all know how important you are to me :)
Nu blir det julfrukost här på kontoret, bilderna som lovades igår får vänta lite för jag är HUNGRIG!!

Going out tonight, promised the girls to go all out since I've been the one leaving first like every night we've been out. Guess it is my duty to show them how to party :) Antonia is one of those "easy drinkers" so getting her under the table will be done in no-time! Nina however might be a harder nut to crack if you know what I mean, but just give me some time..
Have to jump in the shower now, update you tomorrow evening with pictures of lots of snow and skiing (hopefully)!

Me and the snuffing power-puff Nina :)

Me and the very best office-mate Antonia!
Bring it on bitches, tonight is the night :D
Föhn winds
"A foehn wind or föhn wind is a type of dry down-slope wind that occurs in the lee (downwind side) of a mountain range. (...) Winds of this type are called "snow-eaters" for their ability to make snow melt (...)"
No snow for christmas? It feels like spring here!

No motivation
Work today has been going great, think I'm starting to get a hang of this :)
Another day out, updates tomorrow! Oh by the way, I'm off oon Thursday and you know what that means?!
SKIING!! Finally :)

So, have to shower before our pub-round. Not bad when it is mandatory to go out :P
Haha, wooops!
So, I've made my first rather big mistake. It's hard to explain here but lets just say that I made this mornings transfer a bit harder for the guides than neccessary :) Didn't mean to, and I guess they figured that much. Most important part is that I actually fixed it rather fast.
I realized today that one of the worst parts about this job isn't making the mistakes, it is the fact that I won't have to deal with them face-to-face with the guests. That is the guides job, which makes it so much more important for me to make everything right. Puh.. Ah well, I think this is going to work out good in the end :)
One of the swedish guides are going back to Sweden tomorrow so tonight we are going for a drink or two.. Finally most of the bartenders recognize me so I've started to get some discount, otherwise this would have become an expensive season! Can't really drink way to much today anyhow, have a tooth that is killing me. Christian, my closest boss, treathened me with the dentist today, wich almost instantly made it a little bit better. Now the pain is back though and even worse, don't really know how to handle this. I HATE THE DENTIST!!
Have to go now but hope you've had a great weekend!
Can't wait until I have time to go skiing! Hopefully this wednesday!!
Stress, stress, stress
You can really tell that there are a lot of new people here in the office, this evening has been hectic and stressed out and just, confused like you could never imagine! But, biggest transfer tomorrow and I do feel calm, I just want to get it over with. And, I'm going home now. These long days at the office.. But, it feels great to work again!

First transfer done and good
Tonight there is a cabaré for the last group of soon-and-hopefully-to-be tourguides, so it's just to get dressed up and get the party starting!! Have to be at the office again tomorrow at nine so, might not be all that late.. A well, time will tell :)

Back again, the blogg.se-website where down yesterday. I'm at the officce now so can't tell you much, but here you have the video as promised. Have to learn how to hold my phone when I film :)
Tomorrow is a new transfer-day so wish me good luck and lets hope it works out better then the one yesterday did.. This job might kill me!
Have a good one, update you tomorrow! Gonna try and upload the movie from our lussetrain then as well!
Anyhow, first day on the office practically on my own, could get interesting. Have a bunch of questions for my boss today, perhaps I'll get a bit wiser when they are answered. Other than that, not much new. OH! By the way, guess what I found out yesterday?! I have swedish channels in my room! Woohoo! Only TV4 and Disney Channel but hey, better than nothing :) If I'll ever have time to watch it that is.. Does anyone know when House is on?

Talk about long days
Getting a bit nervous, what if this will end in a disaster?! Keep your fingers crossed for me ok?
Hard days work
Have to figure this out! Update you later!
Here are the pictures from our first night out and from our Lussetrain yesterday as promised:

So, just have to say that the train was terrible! My god, sounded awful. At least the guest seemed to have a good time so this one was on us, no problem. I guess we'll have plenty of time to listen to stupid guests during this season anyway! Can't upload any pictures from this computer but I'll but them on my laptop so I can show you tomorrow!
Good night sweethearts, I'm going to bed early tonight!!
So, had a busy day today but most of my tasks are done and not THAT much went wrong actually :) This is going to be a lot of responsibility and damn it, I'll have to make lists of EVERYTHING! But, have to learn somehow..
I'm off to be part of a swedish tradition, a so called Luciatåg. In sheets. And it is cold! I'll try to make a video for you and if I'll get the internet fixed I'll put it up here tonight! Have a good one!
The flight went great, slept almost all the way. When we where standing on the airport in Salzburg and waited for the luggage I really felt great, being here is amazing! This season is going to be great :)
I'm at the office now, only me and one more girl still going strong, reading papers and studying.. Tonight we are all going out, I'll get waisted after one beer I'm pretty sure. But hey, I have reason to celebrate and tomorrow the business begins for real! So, guess I have to get back to my studies..

The one thing that has gone wrong so far?
My bag broke on the flight, everything is still in it though :)

This is where I'll spend the first night, tomorrow I'll get access to my place!
Back to basics
At least I'm finally all packed. Now I just have to load the car, take a shower and try and get some sleep before it is time to leave. My flight takes off tomorrow morning at 10.30 so I need to be at the airport at 9.30, which means I'm leaving Fredriksberg at around 4.30. Yes, in 4,5 hours. Biggest problem right now though, I'm not tired at all.
Daniel has given me some tips on how to fix my computer so I'll start with that now and then we'll see what time it is, perhaps I'll just stay up. Hope all of you are having a great Saturday and know that I'll miss you guys a lot!

Ny design

God morgon
Får väl dra igång det här så småningom, är mycket som ska göras idag. Bland annat ska det ju som sagt bakas lite (om ni undrar vad det är jag bakar till hela tiden så är det så att papsen har sitt första julbord på vandrarhemmet ikväll och jag står för efterrätterna), sen ska jag åka till Borlänge och handla, in till stan och där ska jag klippas och sen ska det nog fikas lite innan det ska börja festas. Så som ni ser, fullt upp!
Inte direkt
Har lyxat ikväll, i hopp om att hitta lite motivation. Blev bastubad, några cider, lite "sol" och en inpackning till håret :) Känner mig som en ny människa och luktar fram för allt galet gott, men någon motivation hittades inte! Ligger istället i sängen, på det mesta av packningen, med datorn på magen och fördriver tiden på FB och diverse bloggar.. Måste väl, om jag ska kunna hinna med allt roligare imorgon!


I väntans tider
Dra igång? Nja, tror jag sover lite ist ;)
Bad Gastein vintern 10/11
Bad Gastein, here I come! Fick samtalet idag, åker ner på söndag så snabba ryck :) Inget reseledarjobb dock, fått en tjänst som hotell- och transportansvarig, så flyger ni till Bad Gastein och transferbussen inte kommer kan ni skylla på mig! Ska bli underbart, längtar!! Är ju dock nervös som ett as också ska tilläggas, resfebern kom precis när jag lagt på luren med personalansvarige.. Fattar inte, jag är ju som en gammal kärring! Nu mår jag sådär lite halvt illa konstant igen :P

Nej, ska bara vara glad, ignorera magen och njuta! Och börja packa :P Blir stan imorgon och lite shopping, ska köpas lite baskläder och så nytt underställ, ett blommigt ska jag ha!
Puss på er!
Baka baka liten kaka
Precis gjort en toscatårta, något som tydligen blivit lite av min specialitet. Nu ska jag tillbaka ner till Vandrarhemmet, servera lunch och sen börja med det roliga; knäck och pepparkaksbak :) Känner mig som en liten husfru när jag bakar men det är ju fan roligt! + att smet är så gaaalet gott! Inte bra för bissingarna det här inte.. Sen som sagt drar jag till Västansjö och ska mysa med min lilla toker till systerson, kanske kolla en film och käka lite gottis när det är moster som bestämmer!
solen skiner ute, det är en otroligt fin vinterdag och jag är faktiskt på bättre humör idag! Har inte hört något från STS än om jobb och jag vet att det är i alla fall en av killarna i gruppen som fått, så nu kanske det är dags att börja planera för nya äventyr istället :) En vinter i Oslo? Stockholm en sväng kanske? Eller varför inte Karibien? Det löser sig nog som tanten sa när katten sket i badkaret :D
Jag och buset Edwin på Malta
Snöiga dagar
Sova nu men lägger upp lite bilder från dagen:

Apropå storfamilj, vet ni vad jag gjorde igår? SPELADE BINGOLOTTO!
Vadå pensionär? Och när fan slutade Loket?
Kan inte lägga upp bilder via mamsens dator så det kommer lite bilder senare :)
Imorgon ska jag ägna tid åt er, jag LOVAR!

Tack alla fina
Begravning.. Suck..
STS Reseledarkurs
Lägger upp lite bilder också, och håller tummarna för jobb :)

Julstök, städstök, stresstök och julmusik på det..
I alla fall, igår blev det lite halvt släktmys med pepparkaksbak och pepparkakshusmontering. Mitt initiativ som vanligt när det ska krånglas, men skoj var det!

Mindre roligt och något som grämer mig otroligt; Farmor gick bort samma fredag som jag lämnade Sverige. Även om det inte finns något jag kunnat göra eller förhindra så känns det stundvis väldigt tungt. Allt gick för fort.

Farmor, du är redan saknad nåt så otroligt! Tänker på dig mycket!
Sig-Britt Ekehof, 2010-11-19