Merry Christmas!!
Oh by the way, I got it! My favorite-guys bought me an Ipod Nano 16GB, the pink one! Just like the one I wished for!! Love you two!! Can't wait until I can go home and play with it!

My precious :)
At home!
Mom and I just got home from a walk with our dog, the sun is shining outside and there's actually some snow here at home! Usually I get really fidgety from being home but not now, it feels really good to be home!
I can't really concentrate on what I'm writing, I'm sort of jumping up and down with joy, listening to christmas-songs :) I'll give you an update later!

Kanske nya nyårsklänningen?

Det här trycket kommer på en ny T-shirt på posten snart!

Fievel, bästa barnfilmerna..
Gooooood mooorning!
Well, I've found a new downside with working when it's slow like this; it's to easy to spend money! Yesterday I order two movies, a dress (the black one from my wishlist I wrote yesterday) and a T-shirt! God, how will I surrvive this month? I hope I'll get some cash for christmas! But I still have to buy new shoes for the christmas day-party.. Or have to and have to, I want to buy new shoes :)
Time for breakfast now, perhaps I'll have time for an update tonight, after the staff-day in snowriver :)
PS. Found some pictures of me and Sofia dancing on the tables at ParkLane, just have to show you! DS.

Hot right?
At work :P
I think I might hate working Saturday and Sunday in the front desk. There's nothing to do! Anna was working the shift before me and she has allready cleaned the bar and reception, made all the sutuf your supposed to do on the holidays so I'm really bored right now, to say the least!
Oh btw, I found a great web-page if you like christmas-songs (which I do!), ! It's this web-radio that you can listen to for free, right now there playing "Winter Wonderland" with Doris Day. Can it get more christmas?! I'm a sucker for christmas! Today I picked up the very very last present I'm going to buy, can't afford anymore! But I'm done now, I was before this one arrived as well but when I find something good I just can't help myself!
Okay I really shouldn't be writing here while I'm at work so I better find something else to do right now! I'm just gonna put up some things I would like to find underneath the christmas-tree this year!
(I know I won't so don't feel the pressure, I'll be glad for every present I'll get!)
Long day!
I was going to clean the appartment today but I only had time to do the bathroom, which was the most neccessary as well! I really hate messy bathrooms, it's just bad.. I even scrubbed the toilets "foot", it was all covered in dust! Hope I'll have time to do something about the livingroom tomorrow.. Think I'll scip training tomorrow as well, I'll work for about nine hours so I'll probably be tired enough at the end of the day anyway..
I wish that you could but up soundstrack on this blog for you top hear. Fredrik has been out with his friends and he must have had a beer or two 'cause nomather what I do he won't wake up and he snores like I don't know what! It's allways the same when hes been partying, allways fells asleep on the coutch, with all of his cllothes on and then there's now way waking him up!
I don't mind, if he sleeps on the coutch I'll get the whole bed for myself and I wont have to listen to him snoring!
Hey, I wonder where David is by the way..
Ah, lovely!
Almost forgot, I haven't showed you the biggest bruise that I have ever had! I got it when I was talking to my sister on the phone while I was walking and slipped on a tiny icy patch! I didn't have time to react so I fell flat on the ground, putting most of my weight on my hip. See the result!

While I'm at it I have to show my new wallpaper as well!

The wallpaper is upside-down on this picture but nice :)
Now I'm done!
So I realised today that nothing is ever going to be the same again, no matter what happens now my life will never go back to what it was.. Depressing I know.. Or is it? God, who knows? Some good has happend the last days though, I'm moving in to a new appartment February first and it looks like there's going to be some change at work next year! All for the better!
Haven't really given you an update about what has happened the last week that I've been home buit there's really not much to say so.. I've been working almost everyday and there has been a lot do to so there hasn't been much time for anything else. I did have a sort of Christmas-party last Saturday and I had a great time but then when we went to the club I didn't see one new face and that sucks.. Allways the same people (I know, I'm including myself in that group also!). I'm allways hoping to meet some new people when I go out but nope, hasn't happened yet.
Shit, I sound very negative today! I'll give some pictures and then I'm of to the gym to get some aggressions out of my system!

Peace, Love and Understanding
Fuck this..
Here are ...


Oh right, almost forgot. Many of you have asked why I'm writing this in english and heres why;
I have at least three readers from a foreign country (who don't speak swedish)
It's fun
It's practice, for both you and me :P
Anyway, I have to tell you about the last days in Gothenburg 'cause the time I spent there was just great! I didn't do much but sleep and watch TV on the Thursday that Sara was working. I did spend about 1,5 hours in her tub and I realized that it is great having a bathtub! I miss it! Anyway, Friday we went in to town from Kortedala and did some shopping, Sara bought an intire new outfit for the evening.. When we came home we made dinner and then it was time to go! We met up with Saras friend Amanda and went home to Louise, someone Sara is working wth I think.. Anyhow, I expected to end up at a party with middleage men and you know, workers. But when I walked in to the apartment all I could see was theese gourgeos girls! Didn't know Volvo had so many hot workers :)
We had a great time and after a dinner at a place called "Amazing Thai" we went to ParkLane. All I can say is great great great! I danced all night, even on the table! Saras workmates where great, the music was great and the drinks as well :) Thanks for a lovely Friday!!
I went in to town to meet up with Annacarin around lunch-time on Saturday but for some reason we didn't meet so Sara and I had some pizza instead :) After lunch we went back to Kortedala. I slept for about an hour and then I was back in the game :) Went to Ahmeds apartment and partied with Annacarin, Ahmed, Malin, Mafalda (!) and some how Ahmeds friends. We had a great time and went to Keybar where we danced and Malin and I had a few shots to much :P
Sunday was all about the trip home, I'm so tired of trains right now :P
So, that was my last weekend of my vacation and on Monday I was back at work and I've worked everyday since.. I have some photos to show aswell but I can't find the things to connect my camera with the computer so you'll have to wait for thoose, sorry :P
So sorry
Hotel with mom!
I slept for a lot longer this morning then I usally do so I guess I don't have to go to sleep just yet.. Besides, I'm staying at Saras place tomorrow and she's working night so I'll be on my own.. Won't be able to leave the appartment so I'll probably watch a movie and go to bed early, big party on friday!
So anyway, after waking up Annacarin and me went down town to eat lunch, ended up on a pizzeria eating one of the best pizzas ever :) Annacarin deserved some chering up, and I deserve everything I feel like this week! we went by JC and I bought a new sweater. It's really comfty and it wasn't expensive either so I thought what the heck, a few more hundred spent :P
We also went to the Kallbadhus and took a bath in the ocean. Can't say it was warm and cosy but sure was a great experience. Somehow I felt really clean when we left! So, I drove from Varberg to Gothenburg and drop Annacrin of at her boyfriends and then mom showed me her old neighberhoods before we went to the hotel. we've had dinner and now I think it's time for bed :P
In Varberg!
So, a friend of Annacrin just arrived so I think we are going to eat now, update later!
Pictures from our girls night out!